How to Ease Leg Muscle Cramps
The first thing you can do to ease leg muscle cramps is to massage the muscle immediately. Work the muscle as deeply and aggressively as you can to try and get blood pumped into the muscle. Depending on how quick you reach it will determine how bad the pain. It doesn't matter if it's you or someone else just get to it asap.
After pain begins to subside then it's time to stretch. As you stretch continue to massage and work out any tingling or pain left. It also helps if you rotate the foot at the ankle. An ice pack is another great way to ease pain and prevent soreness. If water is available drink as much of it as you can; dehydration is one of the causes of leg muscle cramps.
If you have leg muscle cramps often then you need to do more leg stretches and massages on a regular basis. If you get them at night while sleeping ride a stationary bike for 5-10 minutes before bedtime. You also need to not allow legs to become fatigued, stressed or overworked as all of these may cause more cramping.
It also helps if you take mineral supplements. There are minerals called electrolytes that may be out of balance and creating part of the problem. The primary minerals needed are potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. If you take them on a regular basis this can help prevent leg muscle cramps as well as replaces minerals that the body is lacking.
If you follow these tips painful leg cramps should become a thing of the past as long as you do them on a consistent basis.