Natural Treatments for Heel Spurs
Doing stretching exercises with your foot, such as rolling a golf ball or tennis ball along the arch of your foot, can help to stretch the plantar fascia and reduce inflammation in your heel caused by spurs.
Massage therapy can relax the muscles and reduce the sensation of pain in your foot, especially if you use natural oils such as olive oil or aloe vera extract to moisturize the skin as you rub.
Soaking your feet in a warm bath of Epsom salts or water with tea tree oil or lavender extracts can soothe your aching heel and foot muscles and reduce your level of pain.
Orthotics are plastic devices that you insert into your shoes to help with the support and positioning of your feet when you walk or exercise, and these can be purchased at stores or specially made by a podiatrist.
Protecting your heel from hard pavement and sharp objects by wearing supportive and good fitting athletic shoes, and avoiding going barefoot even inside of your house, can reduce swelling and pain caused by heel spurs.
Icing your foot can help to numb the pain and burning sensation of heel spurs; one technique is freezing water inside of a cup or small plastic water or soda bottle and rolling it under your foot.