About Exercise Machines for Arthritic Hips
As you age, arthritis and weaker bones become exacerbated. It is important to exercise to keep bones strong and to keep a good range of motion.
If you have arthritic hips, do not put too much pressure on them or do any repetitive jarring motions like running. Exercise machines do not cause a major impact.
Recumbent Bikes
Recumbent bikes are often used for rehabilitation for people with pain such as arthritic hips. When using a recumbent bike, you sit in a seat that has a backrest. The pedals are out in front of you, so the weight of the body does not cause as much pressure (see Resources).
Rowing Machines
Rowing machines work the upper and lower body at the same time. Just as the recumbent bike, it is non-impactful to the joints. The seat can slide or it can be locked.
An arm ergometer is a machine where you sit on a seat, hold on to two handles and turn them around in a circular motion. The motion is the same as riding a bike except it is for the arms (see Resources).