Joint Pain Relief
Ice & Heat
It may be an old standby, but one of the most common ways to relieve joint pain is to use either an ice pack or heat. Alternating the two is most effective with joint discomfort. Ice dulls the ache and painfulness, while heat reduces swelling or inflammation. Especially if this is a new injury, apply an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes a few times a day for the first 24 hours, and then use heat after that.
Baths & Steams
Taking a warm Epsom salt bath reduces inflammation by drawing out the toxins that have built up in the injured area. Steam enhances this effective relief for joint pain caused by injury, overuse or arthritis. Turn the shower on the hottest setting to steam up the room. Fill the tub with hot water, adding a few cups of Epsom salt underneath the running water as it's filling up the tub. Make sure the Epsom salt is completely dissolved before getting in. Submerge the injured area completely underwater and soak for at least 30 minutes.
Wraps & Braces
If the pain makes it challenging to do everyday activities, wrapping the area up in a stretch bandage or buying a brace to hold it in place may be a worthwhile investment. Bandage wraps give flexibility, while still offering support for joint pain relief; a brace holds the joint more rigid, if it is painful for it to be moved at all. Wraps or braces should only be worn when engaging in activity that is too strenuous, as using them all the time can weaken the area further, causing more problems down the road (unless instructed to do so by your doctor).
Stretches & Exercises
Small stretches and exercises may be beneficial, especially to an area of your body that is overworked. Lightly rubbing the area while stretching it outward can relieve some of the pressure and offer joint pain relief. Ask your doctor about specific exercises that you can do to strengthen the joint. He may be able to refer you to a physical therapist, who can put together a routine that will help heal or at least relieve some of the pain.
Creams & Medicines
Many over-the-counter medications and ointments can help ease painfulness and inflammation. Products such as Icy Hot and Ben Gay are effective at reducing the discomfort associated with arthritis, injuries and other ailments of the joints and ligaments. Certain pain relievers and supplements are also marketed specifically towards joint pain relief.