Natural Cures for Hip Joint Pain
Cold Compresses
Hip and joint pain can be caused by inflammation in the joints. Using ice packs or cold compresses on the joints can help decrease pain and swelling. Ice packs and cold compresses should be applied in intervals of 20 minutes for two hours a day.
Ginger stops the production of prostaglendins and leukotrienes. In 2008, a study in the British "Journal Food and Chemical Toxicology" showed a decrease in joint inflammation when test subjects used ginger. Ginger can be added to recipes or taken as supplements.
Exercise and weight training often causes pain and inflammation in the joints. Exercising in a swimming pool reduces the excess pounding on joints while still strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility.
Fish Oil
According to a study done by the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research, fish oil---particularly the EPA present in fish oil---has been shown to help inflammatory joint conditions. The EPA in fish oil helps lubricate the joints and reduce the pain of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, joint tenderness and morning stiffness. Cold water fish like salmon and cod are natural sources of EPA.
Boswella is a herb native to India. Boswella has been used for centuries for its ability to relieve pain, reduce swelling and increase blood flow in the joints. A study done by the Government Medical College in Jammu, India, showed 60 percent of Boswella users had a decrease in swelling. Boswell can be used topically in lotions and creams and is also available in pills and tablets.