What is the Treatment for Scoliosis?
Get an exam. The first step in treatment for scoliosis is to get an exam to observe the extent of the curvature. There is a screening test called the Adam's Test that is done at schools or can be done by a pediatrician. The shoulders, hips, and scapulae are checked for levelness and the spine is examined for straightness. The child then bends over and the back is evaluated for an abnormal elevation on one side.
Get an operation. Although this is a last resort treatment, it is not out of the question. This is usually performed on people with a severe deformity or teens and preteens that have at least a 40 degree or more curvature. The actual process involves removing the joints between the vertebrae. They are then roughed up to promote new bone growth between them. A metal rod with screws and wires is put in to hold the vertebrae in place while they fuse together.
Wear braces. Braces are intended to slow the progress of the curvature. This is a treatment option that is most recommended to adolescents who are still growing and have a curvature around 25 to 40 degrees.
Do nothing at all. This would be the case in curvatures that are 20 degrees or less. The best treatment in this situation is to get progressive followup X-rays to evaluate the extent of the curvature. X-Rays are recommended every 4 to 6 months for kids up to 17 years of age for boys and 15 years of age for girls. After that, every 5 years is sufficient.
Take the alternative approach. There have been a few other alternative options involved with scoliosis treatment that have been utilized. They include electrical stimulation of muscles, chiropractic manipulation and exercise. When doing exercises, the main thing to focus on is strengthening the core, back and shoulders. Some examples that work well are upright rows, back extensions, alternating leg and arm extensions and one arm rows.
Perform stretches. Do stretches that focus on lengthening the concave side of the curve. The high stretch can be performed by extending the arm on the concave side straight up in the air while reaching down towards the floor with the other arm. A similar stretch can be done with the arms at the sides where you bend down to the opposite side of the curve. This is called side flexion.