How to Treat a Labral Tear in the Hip
Start an over-the-counter pain medication regimen. Most patients find that they receive maximum benefit from NSAID drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. These medications will help to reduce swelling and inflammation along with reducing pain.
Begin physical therapy. Physical therapy sessions should be run at least once per week, and more often if possible. These sessions should focus on restoring proper range of motion to the hip joint of the sufferer and on strengthening the muscles around the hip joint to help support it.
Use corticosteroid injections. These injections take place directly at the point of the labral tear, using X-rays of the area for guidance, and can significantly mitigate the pain experienced by most patients. For the majority of patients, this will be enough treatment to successfully manage the labral tear in the hip joint.
Attempt basic treatments for 4 to 8 months. Try to exhaust all nonsurgical options, listed above, during this 4- to 8-month period. If pain is extreme and unmanageable, wait only 4 months before proceeding. Otherwise, try to wait the full 8 months to see if the labral tear can be managed by less-invasive methods than surgery.
Undergo arthroscopic surgery if, after 4 to 8 months, the other treatment options simply aren't managing the symptoms of your labral hip tear.