How to Manage Quadriplegia
Work with a personal trainer or use a rehabilitation professional to learn exercises that you can do at home. You need to exercise frequently to keep your muscles from atrophying or losing any tone or flexibility. Your doctor may also give you a list of exercises that you can do at home to start out.
Learn to manage your weight through diet and eating healthy foods. Quadriplegics are prone to gaining weight easily, especially if they don’t workout or exercise as frequently as they should. Eating a mixture of foods like lean meats and fresh fruits or vegetables can help the person control their weight.
Keep an eye out for pressure sores, sometimes known as bed sores. This smaller sores develop when a person consistently sits or lays in the same position for long periods of time. The smaller sore can quickly develop into a more complex disorder, which is why it’s important to watch for any signs of the sore and get them treated early on.
Take specialized classes in learning how to manage the quadriplegia. Anyone with this condition will need to completely re-learn the simple things like using the bathroom or making a meal. Taking a class or a series of classes can help the individual to begin the learning process. Most doctors can recommend a teacher in the area.
Join a support group created for those with quadriplegia. There are thousands of people living with the condition and managing it everyday. Seeing how other people live with their disease and the changes they’ve made to their homes can be a big inspiration.