How to Treat Nursemaids Elbow
Things You'll Need
- Medical Examination
Treating Nursemaid's Elbow
Observe your child carefully after any injury. A child with Nursemaid's Elbow will return to normal activities, but will typically hold the arm slightly bent close to the body with the thumb pointing inward. He will resist any attempts to use the affected arm.
Ask children who are old enough to speak to describe any pain they may be experiencing. He is likely to describe pain in the shoulder and wrist in addition to pain in the elbow. Pain in the elbow itself may not be present.
Check the affected arm by gently moving the arm away from the body and attempting to turn it palm upwards. Your child will cry out or flinch in pain if he is suffering from Nursemaid's Elbow.
Seek immediate medical care if you suspect nursemaid's elbow. Although the condition can be set easily in the doctor's office, delaying treatment can make it more difficult and subject your child to unnecessary discomfort. If you can not get your child into his regular doctor quickly, take him to the emergency room.
Provide the doctor or emergency room staff with the details of the event prior to the injury. Be as thorough as possible. Don't worry that the doctor will think you have neglected or harmed your own child. This is a very common condition and it can happen under the best of care.
Assist medical personnel by speaking calmly and reassuring your child while he is examined. You will typically be asked to hold your child on your lap with the child facing the doctor. The doctor will examine the arm and if Nursemaid's Elbow is present he will either hold the elbow while rotating the arm outward and turning the palm up or, in some cases, extend the arm fully and rotate the palm inward. Your child may experience a slight click. You may hear this click as the elbow is realigned and slipped back into place.
Expect your child to cry for a few moments as this will cause momentary pain. Your child should calm within a few moments and all associated pain will be gone. He will now be able to use the arm normally and remain pain free.