How to Run Laps in a Pool
Things You'll Need
- A pool
- Sheer grit and determination
Running in water
Getting in shape is tough if you have an injury or bad knees. Any stress on the joints can compound the injury and increase pain as well as the time it takes to heal. Pool-running - or "aqua-jogging" is a great alternative for people who cannot run normally. Begin by getting approval from your doctor. This is always the first step.
Once given the go-ahead, find yourself a pool to workout in. Leisure pools are not really the answer, as they are often too small. Ideally, you should have access to a lap pool with long lanes. You will be using these lanes just as you would as if you were swimming laps.
Stretch. Don't forget to do this before you get in or you are looking at a cramp, or an injury. Make sure you are limber before you get in. Also, do an appropriate five minutes of warming up once you are in, just to make sure you have gotten your legs and joints ready for exercise.
Get in and get going. Start like you were jogging. Same motion. For least resistance, begin with the water up to your chest. This places the least amount of strain on your joints. As you improve your endurance and strength, you can eventually get where the water is waist level for your entire run. Begin with 5 to 10 minutes of jogging, then increase the time and pace as you become more fit.
Exercising this way 3 to 5 times a week can significantly improve the health of your legs, joints, and body. It will strengthen tendons, build muscle, and burn calories. All without putting any undue strain on your legs, knees, and lower body.