How to Treat Arch Pain
Treating Arch Pain
Change your shoes to a pair that result in less pain in the arch of the foot. In some cases this may mean wearing a sneaker with more support and for others this may mean wearing a shoe with a slight heel rather than a flat.
Assess which activities may be causing the pain. In some cases arch pain can start when to you undertake a new sport or activity such as a job that involves long period of standing. You may need to rest for a while until the pain settles. This may involve sitting at work instead of standing or avoiding running until you are pain free.
Roll you foot gently on a frozen bottle of water three to six times a day. This will help to settle any inflammation and massage the arch of the foot reducing pain.
Seek the help of a podiatrist if the pain persists. Early treatment is the key. Your podiatrist will diagnose the cause of the pain and may recommend orthotic therapy. They will assess your shoes to see if they are a contributing factor. For example, you may be wearing the wrong type of running shoe for your foot type which can cause arch pain. Other treatments may be advised too.