How to Tape a Rehabilitating Achilles Tendon Rupture
Things You'll Need
- Medical tape
- Scissors
How to Tape a Rehabilitating Achilles Tendon Rupture
Begin by taping around the arch of the foot and again around the calf. A 'stirrup' is then taped from the top of the calf to the bottom of the foot and up to the other side. Often an underwrapping is performed to provide the tape with a surface to adhere to.
Tape around the back of the heal where the achilles tendon is located. This will support the tendon and keep it positioned where it is supposed to be.
Tape over the already taped areas twice more, moving the location of the tape slightly to create a woven affect.
Criss-cross the tape in a figure-eight pattern behind the heel and over and around the arch of the foot. This should lend sufficient support to the injured tendon.
Keep wrapping until the entire foot and ankle is covered. The achilles tendon injury should be kept taped or casted for at least a month to give it a chance to heal properly.