How to Wrap a Knee for Sports

Don't let knee pain stop you from having fun playing sports. If you have a minor knee injury and slight pain, movement is actually helpful for recovery. It helps prevent swelling and stiffness. To safely move and play sports, however, you must correctly wrap your knee. Here are five simple steps to correctly wrap your knee so that you can minimize your pain and maximize your fun.

Things You'll Need

  • Ace bandage wrap
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    • 1

      Sit and elevate your knee on a chair while you wrap. This keeps as much pressure as possible off it before the wrap is in place.

    • 2

      Begin with one end of the wrap and start below the knee about 2 inches. Cross over to above the knee on the opposite side and wrap around.

    • 3

      Continue doing this, but cover every inch of the knee diagonally with the bandage wrap.

    • 4

      Make sure it isn't too tight by sticking two fingers between the wrap and your knee.

    • 5

      Move your knee to see if it feels too restricted. If so, try again.

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