How to Identify a Sterno-Clavicular Injury
Sterno-clavicular injuries occur when the joint between the collar bone and the breast bone is damaged. This is the area in the center of your chest right below your neck and shoulders where your collarbone juts put in a point. This type of injury is rare but very dangerous because the bones in this area can damage major blood vessels if they are broken or out of joint. Learn how to identify a sterno-clavicular injury.Things You'll Need
- A wall-mounted mirror
Stand in front of the mirror. Look at your collarbone and chest area. Examine the area for any bruising or discoloration. Sterno-clavicular injuries often occur as a result of a hard impact to the shoulder or chest area. Bruises or red marks may indicate this type of accident.
Apply gentle pessure with your hands placed together on your chest just below your neck. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop pushing on your chest. This pain is likely indicating a sterno-clavicular injury.
Spread your hands apart toward your shoulders. Pay attention to any sore spots that you encounter as you run your hands across your collarbone area. If you encounter serious pain, stop pushing on the area.
Grasp your left shoulder with your right hand and gently move it around. Sometimes sterno-clavicular injuries can cause a radiating pain starting in the chest and spreading out to the shoulder area. If you feel this type of pain when you manipulate your shoulder, stop the movement.
Grasp your right shoulder with your left hand and gently move it around. Again, be aware of pain and soreness in the shoulder and chest while you are manipulating the shoulder.