How to Tape Cracked Ribs
Things You'll Need
- Cloth strips or athletic binding cloth
Make sure what is wrong is a cracked rib. Symptoms of a cracked rib(s) may include mild to severe pain. It may be painful to breathe. If you must wrap the ribs to help relieve the pain, don't wrap too tightly, and remove bindings occasionally to take a deep breath once an hour or so. Strips of cloth or athletic wraps (the kind used to wrap boxer's hands) may be used.
Place a strip of binding above the injured rib. Have the injured person exhale as much air as possible, and then, starting on one side of the ribcage, completely encircle the body with the wrap one or two times. You may either tie off the binding (on the uninjured side) or continue using the same length for Step 3.
Repeat the wrapping process below the injured rib. Some people use a figure-eight design because it will hold its position better.
Visit an emergency room immediately if breathing is at all restricted, as this may lead to shortness of breath and lack of oxygen to vital organs.Cracked ribs may not show up on an x-ray, but a doctor will likely treat the injury as a break. He or she may prescribe a painkiller or suggest over-the-counter pain medications to address pain and discomfort.
Be patient. Cracked ribs will heal on their own. They don't have to be taped or wrapped, as mentioned above. Those suffering from a cracked rib must be patient, as it takes around six weeks for a cracked or broken rib to heal. Protect the injured area and give it plenty of rest. The healing process may be facilitated by taking a deep breath once an hour to help keep lungs clear. While this may cause extreme discomfort, it is the best way to prevent lung congestion that leads to pneumonia.