How to Diagnose Osteomyelitis
Perform a physical examination of the patient. Be sure to take a complete medical history and list any medications the patient is already taking. Also ask about any recent problems with the area the patient says is painful.
Take a blood sample to perform a blood test to pinpoint if the patient's white blood cell count is high, which is often a sign of infection. Look for signs of infection in the body, such as areas that are inflamed, red and warm.
Send the patient for a bone x-ray. A bone x-ray can show if there is an infection in the bone, but might not be as accurate for someone who has just started complaining of pain. If the bone x-ray does not come back positive, but the patient exhibits signs of Osteomyelitis, send them for a bone scan, which gives you a more detailed view of the bone.
Follow up with an MRI, if the bone scan indicates osteomyelitis. MRIs are a valuable test to run. In addition to diagnosing osteomyelitis, the MRI can also help determine how long the infection has been in the bone.