How to Relieve Ligament Pain

Your ligaments are fibrous, slightly elastic tissue whose job it is to connect bone to bone. Your ligaments bind your bones together to prevent breakage and dislocation and support some of your internal organs. Ligaments can stretch and tear, causing pain and discomfort. Ligament pain can be chronic. Follow these steps to relieve ligament pain when it occurs.


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      Stretch gently. Move slowly and don't push too far when stretching. Your goal is to loosen the tight muscles affecting the ligaments, not cause muscle spasms or further injury.

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      Take it easy and rest the injured area. Ligament injuries cause swelling, so rest to reduce the swelling. Elevate the affected area when resting.

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      Ice the injured area. This reduces swelling and provides pain relief. Take an aspirin if the pain warrants it.

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      See your doctor if the pain persists. It's possible your physician will order an MRI to diagnose a torn ligament. If you've torn a ligament, physical therapy and/or surgery is in your future.

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      Consider alternative healing methods. Yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic care and massage may provide pain relief.

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