How to Exercise Quads for Knee Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Bolster or rolled towel
Consult with a physical therapist prior to doing any type of knee therapy exercise. This information is not a substitute for medical or therapeutic advice.
Lie down on the ground with the bolster or rolled towel placed underneath the back of the knee in need of therapy. This leg is bent.
Support and stabilize the rest of the body. Contract the abdominal muscles, keep the lower back against the floor and maintain proper posture throughout the entire therapy session.
Exhale and slowly extend the leg at the knee joint. Raise the heel off of the floor and contract the quadriceps muscles.
Hold the extension for approximately five seconds, then slowly release the leg back down to the starting position with the quadriceps relaxed and the heel resting on the floor.
Repeat this knee therapy exercise as many times as prescribed by your physical therapist. As you progress, it is possible to use a larger bolster or more rolled towels to increase the angle of the knee and distance necessary to extend and straighten the leg.