How to Use Yoga to Stretch the Sciatica Area
Things You'll Need
- Open area to stretch
- Loose fitting clothes
The first asana is called pigeon pose. This pose will open the hips and stretch the piriformis muscle. Start in downward dog or on all fours, then step the right foot forward into a lunge. Lower the knee to the ground so it's pointed out like sitting in Indian style. Try to keep the shin parallel to the top of the mat, however if your hips are tight, the toe will most likely be pointed toward the groin. It is important to protect your knee by flexing your right toes. Make sure that you extend your left leg back, keep the toes in line with the ankle and roll the inner left thigh upward. Stay here or lay the belly over the legs and take 10 deep breaths.
Locust pose will also help in gently stretching the sciatica area. Lie down on your belly with arms by your side, palms faced up and forehead resting on the floor. On an exhale, lift your head, upper torso, arms, and legs away from the floor so only the lower ribs, belly and front pelvis are on the floor. Squeeze your buttocks, elongate the body and keep the big toes pointed toward each other. Keep your gaze straight ahead or slightly upward and the back of the neck long. Hold for 5 deep breaths and release on an exhale.
The next pose for stretching the sciatica is the cobra pose. Start by lying on the belly with toes pointed. Place the hands flat on the floor, next to the rib cage, below the shoulders. On an inhale, push up with the hands so chest and torso lift off the ground, and tilt the head back. Look up and breathe. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths and release on an exhale.
An additional sciatica stretch can be done with the bridge pose. Start by lying flat on your back, legs straight out in front of you. Bend the knees and place the heels close to the buttocks. Keeping the arms and feet on the floor, on an exhale, push the legs and back off the floor. Keep the thighs and feet parallel. Clasp the hands together under your back to help stabilize your body so your balancing on the tops of the shoulders. Squeeze your legs and buttocks and hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Release on an exhale.