How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Naturally
Relieve pain by avoiding repetitive tasks while at work or at home. Apply a heating pad directly on the pain. Put your hand in a simple splint that you can purchase at a pharmacy.
Exercise your hand by making slow circles with your hand at the point of the wrist to restore circulation to your hand and relieve the pressure that repetitive tasks put on your hands. Do this exercise at least three times a day, or whenever needed, to relieve pain.
Take Vitamin B6 to reduce carpal tunnel symptoms. Higher levels of vitamin B6 have been found to lessen carpal tunnel symptoms in many patients. You can find vitamin B6 in foods such as sweet potatoes, avocados, salmon, turkey, bananas, brown rice and sunflower seeds. If you would rather take your vitamin B6 as a supplement, it is recommended that you take 50mg two to three times a day.
Begin taking other herbs and supplements to treat your carpal tunnel symptoms. Enzyme supplements such as broelain, arnica, folic acid and vitamin B2 and B12 have all been shown to help with carpal tunnel symptoms.
Receive acupuncture or acupressure from someone authorized in those techniques. Both acupuncture and acupressure can relieve pain due to carpal tunnel syndrome by inserting needles or applying pressure to the wrist, arm, thumb and hands.