How to Exercise Aching Hands
Flex your wrists. Place your forearm on a pillow or arm rest of a chair parallel to the floor. Let your hand fall forward over the end keep your palm down. Bring hand straight up until you feel a stretch. Practice this as often as you can while reading or sitting in front of the television.
Exercise your thumb by moving it back and forth from one side of the palm to another. Repeat this as much as possible.
Use resistance exercises. Place one hand with palm flat on the table, with the other hand on top of it. Try to lift the hand underneath, but using the other hand, do not allow it.
Prevent future deterioration by using strength training. Support the forearm on a table and move the wrist around while holding light weights. The weights should be about one to three pounds in weight.
Work the knuckles of the hands by starting with the hand open, making a hook fist, opening the hand completely again, and then going into a full fist. Repeat this many times.
Stretch out your wrist by placing your bent elbow at your side. Using one hand, bend the other forward at the knuckles. Then bend the wrist back by grasping the fingers. Repeat this as many times as you can.