How to Diagnose Osteitis Pubis

Osteitis Pubis is a painful inflammatory injury of the pubic bone where many muscles attach and move during exercise. It occurs in the place where the two sides of the pubic bone join together. It's common in athletes, such as soccer players, runners, skaters and in sports that use a lot of kicking motions or changes of direction.


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      Notice at what times you have pain. Osteitis Pubis injuries can cause pain both during and after exertion. The pubic bone is sometimes sensitive to the touch.

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      Note where your pain is located. Osteitis Pubis may cause pain to the pubic bone, groin, lower abdomen or may even seem to move around the pelvic region. Pain sometimes radiates to the thigh or hip.

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      Be aware of motions that may cause you pain. If your sport or exercise tends to aggravate the condition, you may need to stop exercising for awhile.

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      Ask your doctor to perform x-rays in order to diagnose Osteitis Pubis. X-rays can detect widening or erosion at the pubic bone indicative of the disorder. MRI scans may also be helpful in detecting inflamed tendons and bone stress.

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      Develop a treatment plan with your doctor after diagnosis of Osteitis Pubis. Recovery is usually slow and may take up to six months.

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