How to Treat Ankle Instability
Have X-rays, MRI's, CT scans, or any other tests the doctor prescribes to diagnose your ankle instability.
Get an orthosis prescribed by your doctor. An orthosis is a plastic brace designed to keep your ankle steady. It prevents your ankle from spraining while it is in a weak state.
Go to physical therapy to restore stability, range of motion and strength to your ankle. Physical therapy also aids balance. If you are an athlete or have specific needs for your ankle treatment, physical therapy can address them. Customize your therapy accordingly.
Work the peroneal muscles on the outside of your legs and ankles to treat the condition. A weakening of these muscles is common in patients with ankle instability.
Take ibuprofen or another prescribed anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling and pain.
Wear shoes that help treat ankle instability. High-tops give some patients a secure brace to keep their ankles from rolling. Inserting a wedge under the outer part of the heel also helps. You can have a flared heel built into a shoe as a form of treatment.
Schedule ankle surgery as a last resort, if recommended by your doctor. Always seek a second opinion before going through with the operation. Surgery can help repair ligaments, soft tissue or bone problems.