How to Use Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is important to do special exercises to retain hand movement and flexibility if you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Even people without this injury can protect their hands by doing these exercises daily. Read on to learn how to use exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome.


  1. Use Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to Correct the Median Nerve

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      Keep your arm straight at the elbow and outstretch your fingers. Slowly bend your thumb and little finger towards each other so that their pads touch.

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      Apply gentle pressure on the thumb and little finger. You may feel a few sensations in your wrist, but don't worry about them. Hold the pressure for about five to 10 seconds and then return both fingers to the neutral position.

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      Repeat this exercise using your other fingers and your thumb. You should try to do repeat this procedure four to five times per day if you are forced to use your carpal tunnel syndrome hand at work.

    Use Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Retain Wrist Flexibility

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      Stand up straight or correct your sitting posture so that your back and neck aren't curved. Extend both arms directly out in front of you and be sure that your wrists and elbows are straight.

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      Bend your wrists backwards 90 degrees slowly and keep your fingers unbent. Hold the flexed position for five seconds and then return your wrists to the straight position. Now bend your wrists forward 90 degrees, hold for five seconds and return to the neutral position.

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      Repeat the wrist flexibility exercises but this time make a fist before you bend your wrist in either direction. Try to do these exercises several times a day.

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      Outstretch your arms, wrists and fingers straight in front of you. Slowly draw imaginary circles in the air with your index fingers by rotating your wrists. Constantly rotate in one direction and then switch to the opposite direction after 10 seconds.

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