How to Use an EMG to Detect Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Things You'll Need
- Physician
Prepare For an EMG Test
Shower thoroughly, making certain to scrub away all excess body oil that may have collected on your skin.
Avoid using any kind of body lotions or topical creams after your shower. They may interfere with the electrical currents that will be used during testing.
Wear a loose-fitting, unrestrictive shirt that does not have cuffs at the wrists. The best choice of garment is one that easily allows you to roll up your sleeves.
Report any bleeding abnormalities you may have, such as hemophilia, to your doctor before the EMG test is performed. Your skin will be pierced in multiple places when the doctor or technician sets up the EMG electrode needles, and bleeding may result.
Have an EMG Test
Take a sedative before the test, if your doctor recommends one. It will help relax your muscles and take the edge off any pain the test might cause you.
Relax as your physician or the technician performing the test inserts the small electrodal needles into your hands. These electrodes are used to detect the presence of carpal tunnel syndrome by recording the electrical activity in the affected muscles.
Perform whatever muscle movements you're directed to do. The EMG test measures electrical activity of the muscles in three different states: while they're completely at rest, during gentle contractions and during full contractions.
Expect that the EMG test, as used to detect carpal tunnel syndrome, will take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour to complete.
Use prescription medicines to decrease the pain and irritation in the muscles that were tested in the days following your EMG examination. Make sure you inform your doctor about any other prescription drugs you are currently using to ensure that you do not take painkillers that may react unfavorably with them.
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