How to Treat Drop Foot
Determine the cause. See your doctor who will review symptoms and may order certain tests such as an MRI. Conditions which may cause muscle weakness are Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's disease. Nerve damage may be caused by diabetes or a stroke.
Treat the underlying cause. Treating the medical condition which caused the muscle weakness or nerve damage may help correct the problem. Some conditions are more difficult to treat then others.
Wear a foot and ankle orthotic device. Some special devices are a brace others are worn in a shoe. These special foot braces help walking by keeping the ankle at a 90-degree angle. The toes are not allowed to drop.
Try nerve stimulation. If drop foot is caused by damage to the nerve this may be an option. The peroneal nerve when stimulated helps raise the foot to allow normal walking motion. Electrodes may be external or implanted.
Consider surgery. Damage to the muscle or nerve may be repairable through surgery. If a tendon is causing the damage it may be able to be surgically replaced. Ask your physician if you are a candidate.
Enroll in a rehabilitation program. You will receive gait training. A physical therapist will work with you to improve functioning. If you had surgery you may need physical therapy to help you regain full function.