How to Treat a Bone Spur
Recognize signs and symptoms of a bone spur. Visit your health-care professional for a proper diagnosis.
Discuss treatment options with your health-care provider based on diagnosis. Options may include both surgical and non-surgical procedures.
Treat the symptoms of a bone spur by resting, icing and taking anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and pain. In more extreme cases, your healthcare professional may recommend a corticosteroid injection. Gentle stretching and exercise will help in restoring strength and range of motion.
Treat the causes of a bone spur by addressing factors such as weight and stress. Weight loss may be necessary, as well as temporary decrease in high-impact activities (like running). Gentle exercise and stretching may improve strength and range of motion.
Treat the actual bone spur through surgical removal. These surgeries may be open surgeries or arthroscopic surgeries, and may require removal of the bone spur or repair or replacement of a joint.
Decide on one of the above approaches with your physician and plan out a schedule.
Follow your treatment plan until cleared to return to normal activity. Prevent future bone spurs by maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, incorporating appropriate exercise.