How to Ease Tendonitis
Immobilize the painful area by applying an elastic bandage. Depending on the area, use a sling, splint, crutch or cane to immobilize and protect the painful tendons.
Avoid activities that increase the pain or swelling. Take a break from your normal activities to allow the tissues to heal.
Apply ice to the area of pain. This will help with muscle spasms, decrease the pain and reduce inflammation.
Elevate the area to reduce swelling and use a compression wrap, such as an Ace wrap, until the swelling has gone down. Elevate the area especially while sleeping.
Exercise the painful area gently. It's important after the first few days to keep the joints from getting stiff.
Take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Advil or products containing acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce discomfort. Consult your doctor if pain lasts longer than 3 or 4 days.
Utilize preventative treatment for future bouts with tendonitis. This involves physical therapy that stretches and strengthens the tendons and muscles. This is essential to prevent future injury.