How to Treat Scoliosis
Get a diagnosis first. You know your body or your child's body best, but a doctor can tell the difference between a real problem and a normal spinal curvature.
Visit the doctor regularly if he decides the curve is minor enough that it doesn't require other treatment (usually less than a 15 degree curve). He'll take x-rays to monitor the progress of your scoliosis. As long as it doesn't get worse, you won't need any further treatment.
Wear a back brace to keep the scoliosis from progressing more than 5 or 10 degrees. A brace is usually for patients with a curvature up to 40 degrees. This treatment is usually for children, who haven't reached skeletal maturity yet.
Adjust your spine. Chiropractors don't have sufficient research and data to track their results for treating scoliosis, but some people swear by them. Ask your chiropractor about their success with past scoliosis patients and get references. This type of care can be costly, but it's less invasive than surgery.
Exercise daily. See a physical therapist or ask your doctor for healthy exercises that will strengthen your core and treat your scoliosis symptoms. Exercise can also improve your flexibility, movement and function.
Experiment with alternative treatments. Yoga, spinal decompression, acupuncture, and spinal traction may help you treat scoliosis and its symptoms.
Undergo surgery if all other attempts to treat scoliosis fails, or if your curve is worse than 40 degrees. Doctors straighten your spine as much as possible before placing bone scraped off your hip between your vertebrae to fuse. Hardware, or rods, will be placed on both sides of the spine to prevent more curving while the bone gradually fuses together.