How to Cure Weak Knees
Try a home remedy to see if that provides any relief. Many people swear by taking apple cider vinegar to cure weak knees. To do this, simply mix a spoon of the vinegar with a spoon of honey and drink it in a cup of hot tea.
Use a knee brace to provide pain relief and protection. There are several types of knee braces available that can help while you are standing or exercising.
Exercise the quadriceps muscles. Studies have shown that stronger quads can help relieve the pain associated with weak or injured knees. A great quad exercise is to perform several sets of leg extensions on a leg extension machine at a local gym.
Take a vitamin supplement. There are supplements available that can help repair damage to your knees. Collagen and glucosamine sulfate are two of the better types to try and are available at most vitamin stores.
Watch your weight. Many people experience weak knees after they have put on a significant amount of weight. Losing weight and keeping it under control can eliminate weak knee problems or prevent the development of weak knees.