How to Improve Recognition
Things You'll Need
- Camera
Observe distinct traits on people's faces when you meet them. Note facial hair, birthmarks, distinctive hair and body language traits, like the way a person may stand or mannerisms.
Listen to people's voices. Many people who have mild facial recognition problems are good at using other senses to compensate. Listen to each person's distinctive voice and speech patterns to help you remember her.
Relate this person to things you already know about her. When observing her face, create a context in your mind. To create a context, think of what her job is, what she is wearing and other aspects of her life in relation to her face.
Repeat information frequently. When you meet a new person, tell yourself over and over who she is and traits about her. Repetition is important for learning about any new concept.
Photograph new people when you meet them. It can help you relate the information clearly.
Write information on your photograph about the new person, such as her name, job and anything else to help you remember her.
Feel positive about your recognition skills. Most people cannot remember everyone and everything they see. By using all your senses and creating an emotional feeling about a new face, you can improve your recognition skills.