Toxic Gas & Forgetfulness
Some materials within houses or offices emit toxic gases that can affect memory. These include cleaning materials, paint, copiers and even air fresheners. Formaldehyde, which is used both in pressed wood and foam insulation emits toxic gases, as does asbestos and tobacco smoke. Oil and gas heaters can release one of the most common of these gases, carbon monoxide.
Toxic gases penetrate the body when they are breathed in. Although they can cause damage to the mucus membranes of the lungs, mouths and throats, they can also pass through the lungs and into the circulatory system. From there, the toxins can be carried to other parts of the body, including the central nervous system.
In order to make your home or office free of toxic gases, hire a professional to inspect the premises for any causes, active or potential and follow his recommendations for removal of gas-causing material. Adequately ventilate the premises to remove any present gases and bring in fresh air. Install carbon-monoxide monitors and smoke alarms. If you, your family or employees still have trouble with memory or otherwise continue to feel the effects of the gas, seek medical attention.