How Does a Chemical Imbalance Make You Feel Physically?
Serotonin is produced in the brain and is a chemical that helps oversee many of the body's systems. Having an imbalance involving serotonin can cause schizophrenia, compulsive disorders and learning disabilities. Physical symptoms may appear, causing a person to have problems sleeping, eating and controlling their moods.
Dopamine helps send and receive messages within your brain. It is responsible for providing balance and coordination throughout your body. Having an increase in dopamine can result in shaking, feeling pleasure over pain, and in some cases, Parkinson's disease. A decrease in dopamine can cause dizziness, problems balancing and paranoia.
Norepinephrine helps send and receive messages within the brain, similar to dopamine. Chemical imbalances involving norepinephrine can raise a person's stress level, resulting in several other physical ailments. Deficiencies can result in increased aggression, anxiety, high blood pressure and an increased heart rate.