Advantages of the Right Brain
Imagination and Creativity
A person who is right-brain dominant is likely more intuitive and has more imagination than that of a left-brain dominant person. The right brain excels at artistic qualities like painting, singing and story telling. Right-brain people often make decisions based on gut feeling rather than facts, whereas left brains rely more on logic and analysis.
Problem Solving
Right brains generally work well in groups and do better when it comes to essay-style questions in school or on exams. Often referred to as divergent thinkers, right brains can see the whole picture, which helps when it comes to problem-solving. On the other hand, left brains may find it more difficult to think outside the box.
Connectedness and Spirituality
Meditation and tranquility are traits connected to the right hemisphere of the brain. A right-brain dominant person is more open to embracing the total perspective. She finds it easier to embrace spirituality and universal connectedness. When it comes to meditation or yoga, a left-brain dominant person can lose interest quickly; therefore he must switch to the right side to help him achieve calm and peacefulness.
Adventure Seekers
Because a left-brain dominant person weighs everything out logically, he isn't as apt to go bungee jumping because he has analyzed the procedure and its possible consequences. Right brains are impetuous and tend to seek adventure and fun. Consequently, right-brain people are often good at and enjoy athletic sports.
Additional Advantages
Other qualities that right-brain dominant people possess could include the following: lives in the present and can envision the future; has good spatial perception; is good at understanding images and symbols; is good at working with others and teamwork.