How do the two groups of peripheral nerves differ?

Somatic nervous system:

* Function: Controls voluntary movements of skeletal muscles.

* Neurons: Originate in the central nervous system (CNS) and extend to skeletal muscles.

* Sensory receptors: Located in muscles, tendons, and skin.

* Sensory information: Transmits information about body position, movement, and touch.

* Motor neurons: Transmit signals from the CNS to skeletal muscles, causing them to contract.

Autonomic nervous system:

* Function: Controls involuntary functions such as heart rate, digestion, and respiration.

* Neurons: Originate in the CNS and extend to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

* Sensory receptors: Located in the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and digestive tract.

* Sensory information: Transmits information about blood pressure, heart rate, and organ function.

* Motor neurons: Transmit signals from the CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands, causing them to contract or relax.

The somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system are two functionally distinct parts of the peripheral nervous system. The somatic nervous system allows conscious interaction with the environment and control over skeletal muscle movements. On the other hand, the autonomic nervous system regulates the body's internal functions and is not subject to voluntary conscious control. Both subdivisions are vital components of the body's nervous system, enabling it to communicate with different organs and tissues and ensure proper physiological functioning.

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