How heavey is a babies brain?

Average weight of a newborn baby's brain:

- Female: 375-400 grams (13.2-14.1 ounces)

- Male: 400-450 grams (14.1-15.9 ounces)

Average weight of an adult human brain:

- Female: 1200-1400 grams (42.3-49.4 ounces)

- Male: 1300-1500 grams (45.9-52.9 ounces)

*The brain constitutes approximately 2.5% of an average adult's total body weight, while in newborns, it makes up around 10%.*

These weights are approximate and can vary among individuals. As babies grow, their brains rapidly develop and increase in weight and complexity, reaching closer to the adult brain size by adulthood.

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