Embryonic origin of the cerebral hemispheres?
Here is a detailed explanation of the embryonic origin of the cerebral hemispheres:
1. Neural Tube: During the third week of embryonic development, the process of neurulation leads to the formation of the neural tube, a hollow structure that gives rise to the central nervous system. The anterior end of the neural tube is called the prosencephalon.
2. Prosencephalon: The prosencephalon is further divided into three regions: the telencephalon, the diencephalon, and the optic vesicles. The telencephalon is the most anterior part and gives rise to the cerebral hemispheres.
3. Cerebral Vesicles: As the embryo continues to develop, the telencephalon undergoes further divisions, resulting in the formation of two cerebral vesicles. These vesicles represent the early rudiments of the future cerebral hemispheres.
4. Cortical Plate: Within each cerebral vesicle, the walls thicken, giving rise to the cortical plate. This plate consists of neural progenitor cells that will eventually differentiate into various types of neurons and glial cells, forming the cerebral cortex.
5. Lateral Ventricles: As the cerebral hemispheres continue to expand and fold, the central cavities of the cerebral vesicles enlarge and become known as the lateral ventricles. They are lined with ependymal cells, which act as a protective barrier.
6. Gyri and Sulci: The surface of the cerebral hemispheres undergoes a series of folding and convolution processes. These folds are called gyri, and the grooves between them are known as sulci. This complex folding pattern increases the surface area of the brain, allowing for greater cognitive processing capabilities.
7. Differentiation: The cerebral hemispheres further differentiate into distinct regions, each responsible for specific functions. These include the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. Various brain structures, such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and basal ganglia, also develop within the cerebral hemispheres.
Through these developmental processes, the cerebral hemispheres become the most intricate and highly evolved parts of the brain. They are responsible for a wide range of functions, including cognition, language, memory, emotions, decision-making, and sensory processing, making them essential for our intellectual and emotional experiences.
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