What Is Beta Spindling?
EEG Preparation
To acquire an EEG, your doctor will attach a series of small, round metal electrodes to specific locations across your scalp. To prepare for an EEG you should avoid using any hair products that day or the day before. Avoid taking any stimulants, such as caffeine, or any other medications that may alter brain activity. Continue to take prescription medication unless instructed by your doctor.
Taking an EEG
After the electrodes are attached to your scalp, an EEG takes only 30 to 60 minutes to acquire. You may be asked to relax, sleep, or perform certain tasks during the EEG to determine how your brain activity responds to different states. The electrodes only record passively; you should feel no sensation from them.
Beta Spindles
The results of an EEG will appear as a series of electrical recordings from the different electrodes. The location of the electrode, at least roughly, indicates the area of the brain that is active. There may be small or large waves of activity. Waves of activity are traditionally divided into bands of different frequencies. The beta band spans brain waves between 12 and 30 Hz, or cycles per second. Beta spindles are short bursts of waves in the beta frequency band whose amplitude is higher than normal.
Beta spindles indicate highly correlated activity in the beta frequency range. According to BrainQuiry, a website of The Brain Resource Center Diagnostics provider of brain-measurement equipment, high levels of beta-spindle activity are related to pre-epileptic auras, epilepsy, cortical irritation and some forms of encephalopathy, which is an inflammation of the brain. Beta spindles may also be caused by sedative medication. A portion of patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, and other neuropsychiatric disorders may show abnormal level of beta spindles.