Poor Memory & Fatigue Causes
Dementia is the disruption of several normal brain functions, often as a result of dying brain cells.You may have seen people suffering the grim ravages of dementia, often forgetful and sometimes disturbed. People experiencing dementia may not seem like the people they were. According to the Mayo Clinic, memory loss and personality changes can be early symptoms of Alzheimer's, which is a form of dementia. The personality changes that accompany dementia can include withdrawal from social activities and excessive daytime sleeping.
Many people may have episodes of sadness or lethargy, but for some sadness disrupts their life and causes lasting suffering. Those whose lives are disrupted by a persistent sadness are suffering from depression. People experiencing depression typically suffer from feelings of guilt, loss of interest in normally enjoyable activities and a sense of hopelessness.The National Institute of Mental Health website on depression lists "fatigue and decreased energy" and "difficulty concentrating, remembering details" among the symptoms of depression.
Brain Injuries
The Lewis Calder Memorial Library rehab team states that many mental and behavioral changes can occur as a result of a brain injury. Those who have suffered brain injuries may feel lethargic and unduly tired. Moreover, thinking, concentrating, and recalling memories may become increasingly difficult.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disease that causes sufferers to feel tired, regardless of whether or not they have exerted themselves or had proper rest. According to the New York Times Health Guide, doctors diagnose people with CFS when their exhaustion lessens their ability to participate in regular activities by half. Aside from constant tiredness, CFS sufferers may show symptoms of confusion and forgetfulness.