Warm-up Activities to Improve Cognitive Skills
Use Your Memory
The key is to start with simple tasks and work your way up to more challenging ones. If you take on too much too soon, frustration will set in and your cognitive abilities will be overloaded. Recite the vowels forwards and backwards as a simple memory warm-up. Recall a recent event or small gathering of friends and write down who was in attendance. Think about the order in which you completed errands and write them down. Easy crossword puzzles or brain-teasers are good to stimulate the brain's ability to remember.
Change Your Routine
Tie your shoes a different way. Use your left hand instead of your right when picking up a glass or brushing your teeth. In general, you need to change the patterns of how you do things. Dribble a ball with your right hand, then left and then from right to left. Walk or drive a different way to the grocery store. These simple changes are an effective warm-up for strengthening brain function.
Coordination Activities
Coordination activities use both sides of the brain. Warm-up activities for coordination include activities such as tapping the toes on your right foot and tapping the heel on your left foot at the same time while seated. Put your right arm up in the air and your left arm out to the side and then switch so that your left arm is up and your right arm is out.
Physical Activity
Exercise has been shown to prevent cognitive decline and improve overall cognitive function. To warm up both physically and mentally, practice deep breathing. This improves brain blood flow and the circulation of oxygen throughout the body. Additionally, exercises or hobbies that use the fingers stimulate brain function. Tap each finger to the thumb or play the piano with your hands and fingers in mid-air to warm up.