Reasons for Sudden Change in Men's Behavior
If a change in behavior follows a blow to the head, it could be the result of a concussion. Concussions are brain injuries that cause bruising of the brain tissue. When a person experiences a concussion, a condition often suffered by athletes playing contact sports, a marked change in behavior can be one of several symptoms. Shortly after the injury, he may complain of headache or dizziness and could even begin vomiting. Often the person's behavior begins to alter as he feels confuse and irritable, and he may be unable to recall basic information.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a condition that usually affects older people. The disease consists of the gradual degeneration of brain cells. As these brain cells die, the patient slowly loses social and intellectual abilities that eventually lead to complications in everyday life. Early on, Alzheimer's sufferers or those around them may begin to suddenly notice mild forms of confusion and increasing instances of memory loss. Personality changes often occur suddenly as the disease progresses, causing frustration that leads to irritable or aggressive behavior, stubbornness, mood swings and depression.
A stroke is a condition in which brain cells begin to rapidly die because they are deprived of oxygen. This results from an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain. Within moments of a stroke, there can be sudden major changes in behavior. Stroke victims may suddenly be unable to talk clearly or understand what is being said to them. They also may begin to stagger or otherwise have trouble walking correctly. This is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical attention and can be deadly.
Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders are a potential cause of sudden behavioral changes. Psychosis caused by disorders, such as schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar disorder and clinical depression, are among possible culprits. Drug-induced psychosis also can be a cause. The use of alcohol or drugs, such as LSD, methamphetamines, cocaine, heroin or hallucinogenic drugs, are typically expected to cause a change in behavior in the user.