How to Make Edible Soap
Edible soap may not be intended to satisfy your hunger, but it serves useful for children and animals as a safe and nontoxic hygiene product. Natural and organic soaps contain products that are so safe that they are edible. Making your own safe and edible soap proves an easy task in little time. Making use of natural and hypoallergenic ingredients makes this recipe safe, effective and so attractive that you'd want to eat it.Things You'll Need
- 1 cup goats milk powder
- 1/4 cup soapweed extract
- 1/4 cup honey powder
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 2 qt. glass bowls (2)
- 1/4 cup vitamin E oil
- 1/4 cup sodium bicarbonate
- 1 cup distilled water
- Hand mixer
- 20 oz. bottle
Add the powdered ingredients to one glass bowl. This includes the goat milk powder, soapweed extract and honey powder.
Stir in the distilled water. Microwave the bowl on high for four minutes to get it hot.
Add the coconut and vitamin E oils to the other glass bowl. Vitamin E oil preserves and emulsifies this formula. Microwave the bowl on high for two minutes.
Mix the hot water mixture with the hand mixer on a medium setting.
Pour the hot oil into the bowl of mixing waters and extracts. Continue to beat the formula on a high setting for five minutes.
Pour the mixture into a 20 oz. bottle and leave it uncovered until it cools to room temperature. The end result is a creamy, rich and cleansing soap that is also edible.