What Are the Treatments for Visual Memory Problems?
Memory Training
When done regularly, mental exercises can help strengthen visual memory. One common method is to spend a few moments looking at a picture, and then try to remember details about the image after it has been removed from sight.
Puzzles & Games
Memory games, picture searches and word puzzles are good tools for improving visual memory skills. These types of fun activities are especially helpful for children, who may lack the patience and discipline to do routine memory exercises by themselves.
Vitamins & Herbal Remedies
In addition to general health benefits, vitamins and herbal supplements can increase oxygen flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive functions. Two natural supplements that have shown positive effects on memory and retention are Ginkgo Biloba and Vitamin B-12.
Hormone Therapy
New research suggests that hormone therapy may improve memory function for women. A study published by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that a group of postmenopausal women on hormone therapy showed higher levels of brain activity during a visual memory test.
Coping Strategies
Since people with visual memory problems find it difficult to store information that they see or read, audio alternatives are often very helpful. For example, a person could listen to an audio book rather than reading text, or dictate thoughts into a tape recorder for later transcription.
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