Sciatica Nerve Pain From Degenerated Disc Disease
Sciatica is pressure put on the sciatic nerve that causes pain. According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica pain most often starts in the lower back and radiates down one leg.
Degenerative Disc Disease
A disc is the elastic cushion that sits between the vertebrae in the spine. Degenerative disc disease is the wearing away of those discs over time and the associated pain that it causes.
Herniated Disc
A herniated disc is one of the results of degenerative disc disease. It is the breakdown of the elastic outer shell of a disc and the protrusion of the inner jelly-like material out of the disc which puts pressure on the surrounding nerves.
Disc Causing Sciatica
When a disc near the sciatic nerve suffers from degenerative disc disease and becomes a herniated disc, the protruding disc material will put pressure on the sciatic nerve creating sciatica.
Physical therapy is sometimes used to help move the herniated disc away from the sciatic nerve and strengthen the surrounding muscles to hold the disc in place. If physical therapy does not work then surgery may be used to remove the protruding part of the disc.