Slow Motor Neuron Disease
Prolong Life
Doctors may prescribe riluzole to prolong a patient's life, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. There is no cure or treatment that will reverse motor neuron disease.
Treat Symptoms
Motor neuron disease patients may take diazepam or baclofen to control muscle spasticity that interferes with everyday functioning. Patients with swallowing difficulties may take drugs such as amitriptyline.
Patients with motor neuron disease who are unable to swallow food may have a tube inserted into the stomach for feeding.
Other Treatments
Doctors may prescribe devices to assist patients with breathing, braces or a wheelchair to help with mobility or physical therapy to improve muscle functioning.
Patients with motor neuron disease may experience problems with breathing, swallowing and speech. Muscle weakness and paralysis can occur with this medical condition.