Cerebral Palsy & Weight Loss
Those with cerebral palsy often have issues of weight loss or gain. Someone with cerebral palsy may not be able to chew or swallow an adequate amount of food and therefore loses weight. On the converse side, someone with cerebral palsy may lose the ability to remain active and therefore gains weight.
If you are diagnosed with cerebral palsy, maintaining proper diet and activity is imperative. In particular, knowing which foods to eat is important.
If you are trying to combat weight loss caused by cerebral palsy, there are several foods that should be incorporated into your diet. Use corn or canola oil when cooking bread, rice, vegetables or pasta. Consider adding powdered skim milk to regular milk before drinking it. Incorporate eggs, cheese, peanut butter, raisins, custards, wheat germ, pudding or ice cream into your regular meals. These foods are high in calories and may help combat the natural loss of body fat and muscle that results from cerebral palsy.
Calories can also be drunk to eliminate the need for chewing. Thick milkshakes infused with protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates are advisable. Add honey, cream, peanut butter or bananas to milkshakes to infuse them with necessary nutrients. Nutritional supplements, such as Ensure and Pediasure, are available at drugstores and can be drunk to provide a dietary boost.
If you are trying to lose weight caused by inactivity, incorporate foods high in fiber, such as dried fruit, into your diet. Favor nonfat or low-fat products. Attempt to stay as active as possible by engaging in low-impact exercises that provide a proper range of motion. Yoga and t'ai chi are excellent choices. If your cerebral palsy worsens, fatigue, spasticity, weakness and loss of mobility may make exercising more difficult. At his point, it may be beneficial to consult a physical therapist or health counselor to discover what assisted exercise programs are available.