How to Get Rid of Decorticated Posture
Understand the causes of decorticate posture. Several things can cause decorticate posture among them are stroke, bleeding in the brain, primary brain tumor, secondary brain tumor, head injury, brain stem tumor or liver induced brain dysfunction.
Seek medical attention immediately. Decorticate posture is a sign that there is some level of unconsciousness and a reduction of air flow. One of the first things that medical professionals will do for someone with decorticate posture is insert a breathing tube in order to open up the airway.
Gather a medical history to give to the doctor. This medical history would include when the behavior started and if there is a pattern to the occurrence of the behavior. Also if there is a history of head injury or drug use. Other useful information is if it is the same type of posture and what behaviors may have proceeded the posture.
Request that necessary tests be done such as blood and urine to check for drug use and to determine if the proper balance of chemicals is present. Also a head MRI and a CT scan can help to determine the cause. Other tests that should be done are a cerebral angiography, an EEG and ICP monitoring.
Seek a highly recommended rehabilitation center in cases of severe head trauma. Rehabilitation should include physical, occupational and speech therapy. There are also head injury support groups to assist family members in dealing with the emotional issues associated with the head injury of a loved one.