Treatment Options for Aggressive Dementia
Dementia is the symptom of many neurological disorders, the most common of which is Alzheimer's. Dementia includes forgetfulness, loss of long-term memories, behavioral change and even loss of motor skills if the disease deteriorates the mind far enough. There are many treatment options for aggressive dementia that can help slow down its progress.-
Cholinesterase Inhibitors
These drugs treat dementia caused by Lewy body disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors slow down this disease's progress and restore some cognitive functions and balance any behavioral issues.
Donepezil treats Alzheimer's disease. It helps slow the progress of the disease for around one year, and can help repair minor cognitive damage.
Memantine HCl
Memantine HCI is most often used to treat severe and late-stage Alzheimer's. It can also be used to treat early and mild stages of Alzheimer's.
Vitamin E
As of 2009, vitamin E is being tested for use against dementia. It has shown great promise in slowing deterioration and has no side effects.
Anti-Psychotic Drugs
Anti-psychotic drugs are sometimes used to treat the aggression that can come from dementia. These drugs can cause tiredness and even increase the risk of death in the elderly.