What Is RSD in the Foot?
RSD usually occurs as a result of an injury, including frostbite, burn, bruising, fractures or a simple cut, or from a serious wound such as a gunshot or stabbing, according to rheumatologist Nathan Wei. Other possible causes are surgery and conditions such as heart attack, stroke or cancer.
A doctor usually diagnoses RSD based on the symptoms: the initial injury, higher-than-expected pain from the injury, change in appearance of the foot, and absence of any other cause for the pain or changed appearance. Three-phase radionuclide scans also have been used to diagnose RSD, says the National Guideline Clearinghouse, a public resource for evidence-based clinical guidelines.
A variety of treatments are available for RSD: biofeedback, exercise, nerve blocks, physical therapy, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), pain medications and surgery.
RSD has no known cure, but if treatment begins within three months of the first symptoms, it often goes into remission, according to Wei.
If not treated, RSD can spread to other areas.