Tuina Treatment for Spondylosis
What is Spondylosis?
Spondylosis is a degenerative disorder that strikes the intervertebral discs of the spine. This degeneration can result in a loss of function within the spine, which can limit the ability to move and can affect the flexibility of an individual. With spondylosis, the structure of the disc can rupture and erode, thereby affecting the integrity of the spine. When the disc degenerates, the spine's ability to absorb shock is compromised. This means that there is no cushion between the vertebrae; this can cause an individual great discomfort, since the vertebrae are now pressing against each other, instead of a soft, gel-like disc. Spondylosis can occur in any part of the spine, but is most frequently seen in the lumbar (lower back) region.
What is Tuina?
Tuina, or Tui Na, is an ancient Chinese medicinal technique that involves stretching, acupuncture and massage to ease discomfort. The principle is based on the belief that the Qi (the life force, according to Taoist belief) is blocked, and through Tuina this blockage can be eliminated. Tuina focuses on pressure points within the body that might be blocking the Qi. The technique then moves into massage, which helps the newly unblocked Qi to flow through the body successfully. Through pressure points and massage, the life force moves about the body, relieves irritated nerve and muscle fibers and begins the healing process.
How does Tuina help Spondylosis?
While Tuina may not make your intervertebral disc regenerate, it can help relieve the pain associated with spondylosis. Between the acupuncture and massage associated with Tuina, the irritated nerves and sore muscles can find some relief. If these areas find relief, then the muscles and nerves can begin to do their job properly, which means that the area can start to heal. If nerves and muscles are dysfunctional, then the body cannot heal itself. Tuina allows the body to begin the healing process by ensuring that the area is functioning properly. With no blockages, the oxygenated blood can reach the area and start repairing the damage. One of the greatest properties of Tuina is that is restores the balance within the damage area, so the body can heal properly. This noninvasive procedure allows not only freedom from pain and sore muscles, but it is a natural, healthy alternative to spondylosis treatment. Tuina helps patients regain muscle control, nerve function and flexibility, all through the restoration of the life force flow.
If you are suffering spondylosis, and are interested in Tuina treatments, it is best to consult your physician first, to ensure that this treatment is best for your situation. Then it is best to research Tuina practitioners to make sure that you choose an accredited and certified Tuina master.